SEND Local Offer Statement
Overview of Greenbank College Local Offer
Greenbank College offers an individualised work related Study Programme for young people aged over 16 and under 19 on 31 August (or aged up to 25 if you have an Education Health and Care Plan [EHCP]) in a small, supportive, fully accessible environment. Study Programme is a personalised learning programme which supports personal development and helps students to achieve their goals for work and life.
The programme starts at Entry Level and focuses on the student’s aspirations for their future and includes a work-related learning and work experience. Choose from:
- Business & Administration
- Catering & Hospitality
- Customer Service
- Hairdressing
- Information Technology (IT)
- Sport & Active Leisure
The programme also includes English and Maths (communication and calculation if students haven’t already achieved at Level 2), Employability skills and Work Experience. The programme offer includes enrichment sessions such as cooking, sport and fitness, games (in the fully accessible Greenbank Sports Academy), art and music. The College is committed to empowering SEND students to make their own decisions and choices and has an active Student Council and range of Learner Voice activities.
Foundation Learning Study Programme
The Foundation Learning Study Programme is for students who either do not have any qualifications or who have Pre–entry or Entry Level 1 qualifications.
The programme includes an accredited qualification designed to teach fundamental skills for independent living, learning and employment. At Entry Levels 2 and 3, students will also do a work-related taster each term which is a great opportunity for students to find out about the various careers available to them.
Students also study towards an English, maths and citizenship & employability qualifications as well as take part in enrichment activities.
Contact information
Contact | Amanda Tozer, Careers |
Contact | Lisa Turner, SEND and Education Business Manager |
Telephone | 0151 733 7255 |
Address of provision | Greenbank College, Greenbank Lane, Liverpool L17 AG | | |
Website | |
@greenbankcollege | | | |
@GreenbankColl |
Hours of service
Study programme is available as a personalised offer delivered Monday to Friday 9am until 4pm, during term time. Please note that the number of hours that a student attends is dependent upon their programme offer and High Needs Funding.
Term dates are available from
Greenbank College offers Study Programme for young people with learning difficulties and / or disabilities, with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) from the age of 16.
Potential students may self-refer or be referred by a professional to the service. It is recommended that you discuss this with your current school, so that transition arrangements can be made.
Potential students, parents, carers and professionals are welcome to visit Greenbank College before making a decision. Open events are held regularly, for those interested in finding out more about College services. Open Event dates can be viewed at:
If these dates are not convenient then individual appointments can be made.
How does Greenbank College know if a young person needs extra help and what should I do if I think they may have special educational needs?
Greenbank College works in partnership with local schools, local authorities and specialist SEND services to establish the needs of a young person before they start at college.
We are able to attend school review meetings, careers / progression events in schools, have regular contact with Education Office Post 16 SEN Assessment and Placement Service and Career connect / other careers advisors working in schools, to establish support needs.
Early application is encouraged. Our application form incudes a section about extra support needs and applicants should complete this as comprehensively as possible.
Before a young person enrols at College, they will be invited for an interview with a Guidance Officer and complete assessments to establish the level of support needed.
If the young person has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), then the College will also use this to inform decisions about their support needs.
How will Greenbank College staff support a young person?
We can work with potential students during their final year at school to prepare for transition.
Once an application has been made a young person is invited for interview to discuss study choices, aspirations and support needs.
Potential students are invited to a taster in the vocational department(s) that they are interested in, which will give them a clear idea of activities and demands of the programme and allow the tutor to assess their skills and potential.
We will also assess their English / Communication, Maths / Calculation and ICT levels to help us plan their individual Study Programme.
If the young person is offered a place on a Study Programme at Greenbank College they will be invited to transition days during the summer which will enable them to familiarise themselves with the College building and staff and also to meet other students.
Once enrolled, students are assigned a Personal Tutor, who is there to provide support, advice and guidance on an individual level.
The support available for a young person is tailored to meet the needs identified.
This could include:
- Small teaching groups
- 1-to-1 or small group
- Additional Guidance support
- Reviews of learning
- Travel training
- Support with access and mobility
- Interpreters
- Specific technology/ equipment
- Individual therapy and / or specialist teaching
- Medical and or access to personal care support
- Specialist tutorial
- Exam access arrangements
We also work in partnership with other agencies e.g. to facilitate medical appointments.
How will the curriculum be matched to a young person’s needs?
Greenbank offers a personalised Study Programme for young people; students can access a personalised curriculum offer that is carefully linked to the student’s individual needs, career aspirations and Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) outcomes. Each Study Programme will consist of a range of vocational and Functional Skills qualifications from Entry Level 1 to Level 3. Students may also take non-accredited sessions (Recognising and Recording Progress and Achievement – RARPA) that are planned and delivered around the students needs like independence and travel training, real and practical learning. These sessions include Employability, Enterprise and work related learning. The students’ individual targets will be developed, set and monitored by their Personal Tutor and incorporated into every learning session.
Students are assessed at the point of application and offered a programme at a suitable level to match their ability and interests above Entry Level.
They are offered one-to-one or small group support as required.
Every student is given an Individual Learning Plan (ILP), which is reviewed and discussed with the young person and their family / carer on a regular basis.
Students are also offered a choice of enrichment activities to match their needs and interests.
How will both you and I know how a young person is doing and how will you help me to support their learning?
At enrolment parents / carers are asked to sign a Home College Agreement which asks for your commitment in working with us to support your child’s / young person’s attendance / behaviour and progress.
At the start of the course your child / young person’s tutor will work with them to develop an Individual Learning Plan, which is used as the basis for future reviews, to monitor progress.
Reviews are held termly which give you an opportunity to discuss your child’s / young person’s achievements against targets with tutors.
We welcome regular feedback from parents / carers and we will invite you in to discuss any issues or concerns at other times.
What support will there be for a young person’s overall well-being?
Greenbank expects all students to respect each other and ensure that they do not harm others with their words or through their actions. At enrolment students commit to the College’s Code of Conduct and Home College Agreement.
The Study Programme also includes a tutorial programme that covers essential Personal, Social, Health, Education areas and students are supported to take responsibility for their own health and well-being via partnership working with other agencies covering areas such as addiction, abuse, diet and exercise, sexual health, etc. Agencies offer information and awareness sessions as well as more personalised support.
College staff are Safeguarding trained and there are 3 named protection officers in College who deal with any incidents or concerns.
What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by Greenbank College?
Greenbank College offers a range of support for students with particular needs including those with:
- Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities
- Physical difficulties and/or mobility problems
- Medical conditions
- Sensory Impairments (vision/hearing loss)
- Specific Learning Difficulties eg Autism Spectrum Disorders, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties
Learning Support services include:
- Access and mobility support
- Personal Care
- Adapted resources, specialist software, etc
- Support from communicators / readers
- BSL signer
- 1-to-1 or group support in class
- Support and access to activities during the unstructured parts of the College day
The College also has good working relationships with many external agencies including:
- Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
- Social Services
- Independent Travel Team, Sensory Team
- Physiotherapy Services
- Benefits advice
and facilitates students who need such support via its close working relationships with these services.
This list is not exhaustive and the links are dependent upon the individual student.
What training have the staff supporting young people with SEND had or are having?
Greenbank College employs appropriately qualified staff, including learning support staff with SEN Level 3 qualifications and teaching staff with SEN Level 5 qualifications.
All staff receive induction training and regularly undertake update training.
Qualifications and training include:
- First Aid
- Moving & Handling
- Medical training including diabetes, gastronomy, feeds and epilepsy, administering medication
- Autism awareness
- Safeguarding
- Hearing impaired training
- Prevent training
How will young people be included in activities outside this college including external trips?
All students are expected to take part in enrichment activities, some of which may be off-site and external work placements.
Any external activities are subject to a Risk Assessment and the provision of appropriate support, where applicable.
How accessible is the Greenbank environment?
Greenbank’s premises are designed to be fully accessible.
Facilities include:
- Designated disabled parking spaces
- Viewing panels in doors
- Changes in floor textures
- Clos-o-mat and other accessible toilets, hoists and shower facilities
- Handrails on stairs and toilets
- Ramps and lifts
- Sensory taps
- Wide corridors and automatic doors
- Inspiro Radio System
- Availability of accessible technology including screen readers
Information and study material is available in differing formats and the website has a range of accessibility features.
Students may also access the services of learning support and communication support staff where appropriate.
How will Greenbank College prepare and support a young person to join?
Greenbank College works closely with the young person’s school, parents and Careers Advisor to ensure that transition runs as smoothly as possible.
Initially, Greenbank representatives attend school events to give young people, their parents and families information about what is available at College.
Applicants are invited to attend College Open Events, Guidance Interview, assessments and taster sessions prior to enrolment.
They are also invited to attend a transition day with other new students, to familiarise themselves with their peers, College staff and the building before term starts.
A Guidance Officer reviews student’s progress twice per year. They have contact with other educational providers locally and will assist students in planning for their future.
For a young person with a high level of support need, early application is advised, so that appropriate measures and support resources can be planned and actioned in a timely manner.
How are Greenbank’s resources allocated and matched to young people’s special educational needs?
A young person’s Education Health and Care (EHC) Plan will state what type of education programme and support is needed and this is considered when allocating resources.
Decisions will also be informed by information gathered at Guidance Interview, through assessment and from other organisations including schools, other education providers, health care professionals and social services
Individual reviews will look at how effective the programme and support is and whether changes need to be made.
The College will complete the High Needs Funding Form to outline the support the student needs and this is agreed by the student’s Local Authority.
Complaints Procedure
Any issues or complaints you have about the service we offer to your child can be reported through the Liverpool City Council website: