At Greenbank College, we recognise the value that employers can give to our students to help them gain practical experience, build confidence and make informed decisions about their future careers.
However, it’s not just our students who can benefit from working together.
Benefits of working together
- Recruitment opportunities – offering work placements to our students can open up a new recruitment channel.
- Staff development – supervising young people in the workplace can develop the management skills of your staff.
- Raise your profile in the community – helping to improve the career prospects of young people can build a positive image of your company or organisation.
- An engaged workforce – working with our young people demonstrates your organisational values among your employees which can strengthen their engagement.
- Improve economic development – increase prospects of people in the local area by tackling deprivation and youth unemployment.
Ways we can work together
There are a variety of ways that you can support young people:
Work Placements
Work placements with external employers are an important part of a young person’s study programme as it gives them the chance to find out how they can use and expand the skills they learn whilst on their work-related courses, in a real-world working environment. Placements can be short or long-term depending on your needs. A Work Placement Officer will work with you to ensure that the placement is successful for both you and the young person.
‘Meet the Professionals’
Share your expert knowledge with our students and give them an insight into your industry. This can be through staff talking about what it is like to work in a particular role or industry or through workshops where students can have hands-on participation. These can take place either externally with you, as virtual sessions, or sessions that take place at the college. It could also be a tour of your facilities to find out about your company and how different job roles fit into the whole process of what you do.
So far his year, we are delighted to have partnered with Plus Dane Housing and Radisson Hotels who have given our customer service and catering & hospitality students the chance to speak to industry professionals about their personal career journeys and also find out about how their vocational skills are actually used in these two different workplaces.
Attending a careers event
Our annual Moving On event takes place during National Careers Week in March. In line with current Provider Access Legislation, we are committed to providing our learners with meaningful encounters with employers and training providers. This event is an ideal opportunity for local and national employers and education and training providers to meet our students and talk about the opportunities available as a next step after college.
If you are interested in taking part in our Moving On event, please email our Careers & IAG Officer:
Amanda Tozer: amanda.tozer@greenbank.org.uk
Industry Areas of Study
We are particularly interested in working with employers who can offer insights and experience in these areas:
- Business & Administration
- Catering & Hospitality
- Customer Service
- Hairdressing & Barbering
- IT
- Sport & Active Leisure
- Health & Social Care
Interested in working together?
If you wish to discuss how you can work with Greenbank College through work placement, please contact our Work Placement Coordinator, Sophie Preece:
Email: sophie.preece@greenbank.org.uk
If you are interested in getting involved in the delivery of our employability or enrichment sessions, please contact our Careers & IAG officer: