Congratulations to our Bus Campaign Photo Competition Winner

Friday, May 18th, 2012
This post is in: News

Congratulations to Liam Joinson, a learner in the Business and Administration department who won a £20 Amazon Voucher for his entry to the Bus Campaign Photo Competition.

A Greenbank College advert appeared on a bus which travelled round the City Centre and Dingle throughout April and May. The advert encouraged potential learners to visit the College’s website to find out more about what courses are on offer.

The competition asked people to keep a look out for the bus and take photograph when they saw it.

Liam’s name was picked out of all the entries we received.

Liam said ¬Å“I didn’t think I was going to win so I was genuinely surprised to hear than I’d won the voucher. I think I’m going to spend my voucher on Manga comics or some DVD’s.¬Â
