Hairdressing student blow drying hair

Hairdressing students put on a fantastic Hair Show Extravaganza

Friday, May 27th, 2016
This post is in: Hairdressing
Hairdressing students with their Hair Show models

Hairdressing students with their models

Well done to our Hairdressing Students, based at Salon HQ for successfully staging a Hair Show Extravaganza at the Museum of Liverpool on 26th May 2016.

Students from level 1, 2 and 3 courses and their tutors have been working hard for weeks on the performance. Students at each level worked to a different brief: at level 1 – eras, level 2 – movies and level 3 – avant garde.

As well as creating extravagant hair, they also had to organise costumes and make up to complete their model’s look.

Tutor Katherine Pulman said:

“I’m really proud of all of the students. The models looked fantastic and it’s a great way for the students to showcase their skills and explore their creativity.

The Museum of Liverpool is a great venue and offers us a fantastic opportunity to show off our skills within the community.”

An independent judge decided on a winner for each level:

Level 1 – Elizabeth Large

Level 2 – Sewa Mehmud

Level 3 – Faye Chadwick
