Health and Social Care Students learning about human anatomy

National Recognition for Alan Deary

Thursday, May 14th, 2015
This post is in: Health and Social Care, News

Alan_awardwebCongratulations to Level 3 Health and Social Care student Alan Deary, who has received a Certificate of Achievement from NIACE, in recognition of his commitment to learning, as part of their annual Adult Learners’ Week Awards.

Alan, who is also the College’s 2014 ‘Student of the Year said:

“Before I started at Greenbank College, I had no qualifications and life was going nowhere. Studying has opened up such a lot of opportunities for me and now I’ve got the confidence to get to where I want to be.”

Alan was nominated by his tutor, Caren Martin, who explained why she entered him for an award:

“The quiet nervous man that came to College is now confident man, entering an advanced level of study.  He was quite used to the concept that his opinion did not matter or rather he did not have an opinion particularly regarding social issues. I now see Alan as a student who takes pride in himself and his learning.”

Alan will leave Greenbank College at the end of term after completing Level 3 Health and Social Care and progress on to higher level study in September.
