Wellbeing & Welfare Links
At Greenbank College we care about your emotional, physical and mental wellbeing and welfare. You can always reach out to our staff to discuss any problems or challenges which you may be facing, but here are some useful tips and contacts:
I am feeling overwhelmed/stressed/anxious. Who can I talk to?
- Personal Tutor
- A Mental Health First Aider: their names can be found on the First Aid posters which are displayed in all classrooms and communal spaces.
- Attend one of Greenbank’s “Safe Space” sessions. Every week, we run a discussion group in “The Hub” to talk about issues which might be affecting our learners in a safe and supportive environment. It is an opportunity to share your experiences and get additional support.
- If you have a safeguarding issue, please reach out to your designated on-site safeguarding person. A picture of your on-site safeguarding person is displayed and updated daily along with a contact mobile phone number (displayed on wall to the left of the main college corridor on the ground floor).
- If you are a Supported Intern on rotation on one of our host employer sites -Liverpool City Council (Cunard Building) or Royal Liverpool University Hospital Trust (Broadgreen Hospital)- your designated off-site safeguarding contacts are displayed on a poster. You can contact them on the mobile number under their name. Alternatively, you can call Greenbank College reception and they will transfer you to the right person to report a safeguarding issue.
Organisations and charities which can provide additional support and advice:
Sexual Health
- Brook: www.brook.org.uk
Substance Misuse
- We are with you (formerly Addaction): www.wearewithyou.org.uk
- Frank: www.talktofrank.com
- Alcoholics Anonymous: www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk
Self Harm
Mental Health
- Talk Liverpool: www.talkliverpool.nhs.uk
- Young Persons Advisory Service (YPAS): https://ypas.org.uk – 0151 707 1025
- Kooth: www.kooth.com – Kooth CAMHS Support Helpline: 0151 293 3577 (24-7 phone line)
- Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families: www.annafreud.org
- YoungMinds: www.youngminds.org.uk
- Samaritans: 116 123
- Bullybusters: www.bullybusters.org.uk – 0800 169 6928
Hate Crime
- Stop Hate UK: www.stophateuk.org
Housing, Homelessness and Adult Social Care
- If you are the tenant of a registered social landlord, visit: www.benefitsadviceteam.co.uk
- Shelter: england.shelter.org.uk/housing_advice/homelessness 0344 515 1900
- Citizens Advice www.citizensadvice.org
Liverpool City Council
- Housing Options Liverpool: 0800 731 6844
- Careline (Adult Services): 0151 233 3800
Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council
- Careline: 0151 443 2600
Sefton Borough Council
- Careline: 0151 928 5908
Halton Borough Council
- Careline (Adult Social Care): 0151 907 8306
Wirral Borough Council
- Careline (Adult Social Care): Monday to Friday from 8.50am to 5pm – 0151 514 2222 (option 3)
Outside of these hours – 0151 677 6557