Catering and Hospitality student in the kitchen with cooking utensils in the background

Work Placement At Cleo’s Cafe

Thursday, January 29th, 2015
This post is in: Catering and Hospitality, Community Reporters, News

We recently spoke to Michael Langley about his work placement at Cleo’s Café in the Dingle. We wanted to know about his experiences on the three month placement.

Michael told us he was responsible for washing the dishes, bringing food, helping with deliveries and cleaning the tables. We asked him what new skills he gained from his placement and he said he learned how to mop, keep tables clean, aspects of health and safety and kitchen hygiene. He also had to meet and greet people.

The placement was good for him because he wants to become a chef or work in the catering industry. The knowledge gained by his experience can be added to his CV and this may help him to get a job in the future. He enjoyed the placement so much that he usually stayed longer than his normal hours of 9:00am – 1.30pm. He liked the social side of the placement, as he met lots of new people and he also enjoyed being busy.

We asked him what advice has he got for other students about to do a placement and he said it is a good thing to do because you learn new and useful skills. Also, it might lead to a job and really helps to build your confidence. He highly recommends doing a placement to other students.
